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New Rent space

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The “Add New Space” interface is designed for efficiently cataloging the area a company rents within a specific building and floor. This space management tool aids in determining the rental amount and effectively allocating specific “Places” like offices, meeting rooms, or storage areas within the rented space.

Key Features:

  • Space Details: Input crucial specifics of the space, such as the total area rented, associated costs, and the company that owns it.
  • Automatic Calculations: Auto-generated calculations ensure that total rental amounts and renewal dates are always accurate.
  • Quick Links: Direct shortcuts to add new buildings, floors, and even spaces on the fly.
  • Space Calculator: Integrated calculator to determine the area of the space based on the dimensions provided.

How to Use:

1. Navigating to Add New Space:
Select the “Places Management” module from the main interface from the side menu and choose the “New Place” button.

Entering Space Data:

  • Building Name: Select the building in which the space is located.
  • Floor Number: Designate the floor that houses this space.
  • Space Name: Assign a unique name or identifier for the space, for example if the Buiding name is X and floor is 23 so the suggested Space name is X-23F-Space
  • Total Space Rented: Specify the overall area being rented in square meters, you can use the SQM Calculator Tool to calculate the dimentions and get the final SQM resualt.
  • Company Owner: Indicate the company that’s renting this space, don’t worry if multible companies will be sharing the space, in the place managment form you will be able to charge the other comanies as per the places dimentions.
  • Single SQM Price: Define the cost per square meter for this space.
  • Renting Type: Describe space renting type wiether if Furnished or not 
  • Contract Number: Provide a reference or contract number if available.
  • Start Rent Date: Pinpoint the start date of the rent contract.
  • Payment Period: Specify the duration of payment intervals (e.g., monthly or quarterly).
  • Remaining Space: The system automatically tracks the unallocated space within the rented area. As you add “Places”, this value will decrease.
  • Rent renwal date : this field will claculate and show the next renting payment date based on the Start rent date and the payment period. 

Using the SQM Calculator:
When entering the “Total Space Rented,” the Space Calculator can help you determine the total square meters based on specific dimensions:

  1. Click on the “SQM Calc” button.
  2. Enter the width and length in the chosen unit (centimetres or inches).
  3. Hit the “Calculate” button.
  4. The resultant area in square meters will be displayed, which can be used in the main form.

Saving the Space Data:
Once you’ve entered the necessary information, click the “Save” button. The system will verify the data integrity and calculate the total renting amount and contract renewal date. The space record will be saved upon successful validation, and a confirmation message will appear.

  • Hierarchy Logic: Always ensure you’ve created a building and a floor before adding any spaces. This maintains the logical hierarchy and data integrity of the system.
  • Dimension Accuracy: When using the SQM Calculator, ensure that dimensions are accurate for precise space measurements.
  • Verify Calculations: Always double-check the auto-generated total renting amount to ensure it aligns with the expected calculations.
  • Remaining Space: Regularly monitor the “Remaining Space” to efficiently allocate places and ensure optimal space utilization.


The “Add New Space” interface streamlines space management, ensuring companies can efficiently allocate and monitor rented areas. Users can maintain a well-structured and comprehensive database by adhering to the logical progression and built-in verification tools.

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