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Vehicles Management

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 71 views


The ‘Vehicles Management’ feature in iClicka provides users the ability to manage staff vehicles assigned to specific parking slots. For instance, if a staff member, says Nawras, has parking slot 45-B2 and has a Nissan Sedan with a plate number 12345 assigned to this slot, the ‘Vehicles Management’ window allows changes to be made when Nawras changes his car or acquires an additional vehicle.

Step-by-Step Guide to Vehicle Management

  1. Open the Parking Management Module from the main menu of the iClicka application.

  2. Click on the “Vehicles Management” button.

  3. Insert the unique employee number of the staff member whose vehicle information you wish to modify. For example, if you’re modifying Nawras’s information, you would insert Nawras’s employee number.

  4. Click on the “Find” button. This action will open the record showing the parking details, including the vehicles currently assigned to this parking slot.

  5. From this window, you can:

    • Add a new vehicle: Click on the “Add Vehicle” button (if available) and input the necessary details for the new vehicle.
    • Delete an existing vehicle: Select the vehicle you wish to delete and click on the “Delete Vehicle” button. Please note that this action is irreversible.


Notice Message!

While in the ‘Vehicles Management’ window, users can only modify vehicle-related information. Changes to the parking information (such as parking number or location) are not permissible from this window.



The ‘Vehicles Management‘ feature offers a streamlined process for keeping vehicle records up-to-date, accommodating changes as staff members purchase new vehicles or discontinue the use of older ones. Regular use of this feature will help ensure efficient management of staff vehicles and parking arrangements.

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