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New Employee

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 125 views


The “New Employee Registration” form is a centralized tool tailored for HR and Admin teams to integrate new staff information into the organizational database seamlessly. With an array of fields, it captures the essence of an employee’s professional and personal data, ensuring efficient record-keeping and streamlined HR processes.

Key Features:

  1. Detailed Employee Data: Comprehensive fields encompassing everything from the employee’s basic details to specific HR-related documents.
  2. Custom Dropdown Menus: For fields like Company, Designation, Department, and Grade, a dropdown menu aids in selection. Plus, if the required option isn’t available, you have the flexibility to create new entries via side buttons.
  3. Document Attachments: Provision to attach crucial HR documents like joining proofs, ensuring every essential detail is accounted for.
  4. Dynamic Entry and Save Mechanism: Enter data and use the “Save and New” feature to store the record and simultaneously start a fresh entry.

How to Use ?

How to Use:

Entering Employee Details:

  1. Employee Number: Input the unique employee numbers, usually provided by HR department anyway iClicka System is not generate a unique number, so you have to find the serial sequence numbers
  2. FullName: Fill in the complete name of the new staff member, its better to be applied with official name written in the official documents.
  3. Company, Designation, Department, Grade: Utilize the dropdown menu for these fields. If the required option isn’t available, click the respective side button, e.g., “New Company”, to add a new company; no need to close the form after new data is inserted.
  4. Joining Date: Select the appropriate joining date from the calendar picker, as per HR’s official letter for the staff.
  5. Personal Mobile No & Email Address: Enter the employee’s personal mobile number and official email address provided by the IT department contact details.
  6. Status: Mark the current status of the employee (Active, On Leave, Resigned, etc.).
  7. Separation Date: If applicable, fill in the date when the employee separated from the organization.
  8. Notes: Input any additional information or remarks.
  9. Document Attachments: Attach the joining proof and, if available, the end-of-service proof using the “JoiningProofAttch” and “EndOfServiceProofAttch” buttons respectively.
  10. EndofServiceReason: If the employee has concluded their service, mention the reason here.
  11. EmployeeGroup: Indicate the group or category the employee belongs to.

Finalizing the Entry:

After ensuring all fields are appropriately filled:

  1. Click on the “Save and New” button. This will save the current employee’s data and refresh the form for a new entry.
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