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Add New Place

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 52 views


The ‘Manage Places’ form allows you to define and manage distinct locations within our facilities, per the established hierarchy of Building > Floor > Space > Place (Office, workstation). This guide will walk you through the process of adding and editing places.

How to Use ?

1. Accessing the ‘Manage Places’ Form

Before you start, ensure you have the necessary permissions to access this form. If the form doesn’t open, contact your system administrator; if you have the necessary access, go to the places module and then manage the place.

2. Creating a New Place

  1. The form will be set to add a new place upon opening.
  2. Start by selecting a Building. Once selected, the Floor dropdown will refresh based on your selection.
  3. Choose a Floor. Afterwards, the Space Name will be updated accordingly
  4. Input the place details like:
    Place Number: A unique identifier for the place within the space.
    Place Type: The type or category of the place (office, workstation, Meeting room, Kitchen …etc.)
    Area Space: The size of the place. Ensure that it is accurate and that space does not exceed the remaining space available; you can use the SQM Calculator tool to help you with dimensions calculation.
  5. Choose the Assign status (Vacant, occupied, shared)
  6. Add comments to clarify the request
  7. once you finish all the required details, click the Save button.

3. Calculating Remaining Space

The system will automatically calculate and display the space remaining after you’ve added or modified a place. If there’s still unassigned space after saving, you’ll receive a notification detailing the remaining square meters. This is to help in accurate rent calculations.

4. Common Issues & Solutions

  • AreaSpace exceeds rented space: If you encounter a message indicating that the entered AreaSpace exceeds the space available, reduce the AreaSpace or check if you have entered the correct values.

  • Duplicate PlaceNo in the same Space: Ensure each place within a specific space has a unique PlaceNo. If a duplicate is detected, you must change the PlaceNo before saving.

  • Missing mandatory details: All fields in the form must be filled in before you can save the record. If any mandatory detail is missing, you’ll be prompted to complete it.



The ‘Manage Places’ form is crucial for accurately defining and managing various locations within our facility. Always ensure that the details are up-to-date and accurate. Contact the system admin or IT department for further assistance or queries.

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