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Add New Floor

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 120 views


The “Add New Floor” interface facilitates the systematic entry of new floor details related to a previously added building in your database. This form ensures that users can detail every floor in a building, providing essential details to optimize space and place management.

Key Features:

  • Floor Details: Input the essential particulars of the floor, like its number and any associated comments.
  • Building Association: Each floor is mandatorily linked to a pre-existing building. This ensures no floor exists without a building in the database.
  • Navigation Controls: Seamlessly traverse between the records, promoting data accuracy.
  • Error Notifications: Alerting mechanism that flags the omission of critical details prior to saving.

How to Use:

Navigating to Add New Floor:

  1. From the main interface, select the “Places Management” module from the side menu.
  2. Hit the “Add Floor” button.

Entering Floor Data:

  • Floor Number: It’s a mandatory field. Provide the floor’s designated number or level.
  • Building Name: From the drop-down menu, link the floor to its corresponding building. Remember, a building should be created first before adding any of its floors.
  • Floor Status: Describe the current state or condition of the floor, if any.

Saving the Floor Data:

  1. Once the necessary data is provided, click on the “Save” icon.
  2. A system-generated message will confirm the successful creation of the floor.
  3. A prompt will then inquire if the user wishes to proceed with the creation of a space associated with this floor.


  • Prioritizing Building Creation: Ensure that a building is added first in the database before attempting to add its floors. This maintains the structural hierarchy and database consistency.
  • Alerts: Stay attentive to system alerts, especially when critical data fields are left empty.
  • Sequential Data Entry: When adding a multi-storied building, consider detailing its floors immediately after its entry. This promotes data continuity and reduces potential oversights
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