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Add Vendor Account

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 199 views


The Vendor Accounts Management Module is a pivotal tool for recording and organizing subscription accounts linked to various vendors. This ensures an organized and streamlined interaction between the company and the vendor services, making retrieving vendor-specific data straightforward and avoiding any credentials being forgotten.

Core Features & Functionalities:

  1. Account Creation:

    to create a vendor account and link it with your company, please follow the below guide

    • Go to Core Panel / Settings Module 
    • Click the New Vendor account button 
    • to fill up the below fields:
    • ID: Generated automatically for each account.
    • AccountName: Manually selected unique identifier for each account.
    • VaccountNo: (Vendro Account Number) Select the Vendor account from the dropdown menu.
    • Company: The dropdown list to pinpoint the specific company (Our companies, if you are dealing with many companies).
      • Vendor: Dropdown to assign the vendor to which the company’s account pertains; if you didn’t find the requested vendor, please click the Add new vendor button on the side menu.
    • Remarks: Field for additional details or observations.
  2. Formulated User Experience: Seamless navigation with intuitive field entries ensures that account management is straightforward and reduces potential errors.


  • Organized Management: This module facilitates a clear and structured layout of vendor accounts related to different companies.
  • Audit Trail: With the user field capturing login details, this ensures accountability and tracking of entries.
  • Streamlined Access: No more time wasted searching for vendor details. With everything in one place, retrieval becomes straightforward.


To complete this guide, Go to Assign Vendor Account to the portal page to learn about inserting the details and make a complete Vendor account solution.

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