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New Project

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The “New Project Creation” form is a vital tool designed for managers and project supervisors. It provides a centralized space to register and manage essential project details, ensuring streamlined processes and enhanced productivity.

Key Features:

  1. Unique Project ID: Automatic generating a unique ProjectID for every new project.
  2. Customizable Fields: Input specific details tailored for your project, such as budget limits and creation date.
  3. Coast Control Code: Integrate your project with financial monitoring using a distinct Coast Control Code.
  4. Efficient Saving Mechanism: After entering all details, use the “Save and New” feature for a seamless transition to initiate another project entry

How to Use:

Entering Project Details:

  1. Project ID: The system will auto-generate a unique identifier for each project.
  2. Project Name: Mention the official name or title of the project.
  3. Coast Control Code: Input the distinctive code that helps track the project’s financial aspects; usually, the Cost control officer will provide this code.
  4. Company: Using the dropdown menu, associate the project with a specific company. This ensures the proper accountability and management of the project.
  5. FixedBudget: Indicate the allocated budget for the project. This will serve as a financial cap for the project’s expenses.
  6. Remarks: Utilize this section to mention any additional notes, insights, or special instructions related to the project.
  7. DateCreation: Select the day the project was initiated using the calendar picker.

Once you’ve ensured all data is accurately filled:

Click on the “Save and New” button. This action will save the current project’s details and present a fresh form, allowing immediate entry for another project.

Tips !
  • Data Accuracy: Ensure that details like the Coast Control Code and FixedBudget are accurate to prevent any financial discrepancies in the future.

  • Clarity in Naming: The ProjectName should be descriptive enough for easy identification and avoid ambiguities.

  • Regular Updates: As a project evolves, ensure regular updates to the form, especially in sections like remarks, to reflect the current status and changes.

  • Double project name: as per the company: some projects are shared between the companies; in this case, you must create a Unique Project name for each company and allocate the project cost centre and Code per the company details. 
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