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Places Module

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 89 views


The Places Management Module is an essential tool designed to manage and streamline company spaces efficiently. Whether it’s a new office, an extended building space, or assigning specific areas to staff, this module encompasses it all, ensuring a seamless interaction between staff and their physical space.

Core Features & Functionalities:

  • Building Creation: Define a new branch or place, complete with its unique identification.

  • Floor Management: Within a building, individual floors can be defined. This helps in segmenting space within a larger building complex.

  • Place Configuration:

    • Define specific places or rooms within a floor.
    • Calculate dimensions of the place, ensuring optimal utilization of space.
    • Determine the monthly rental amount for each space, based on its size and significance.
  • Spaces & Doors:

    • Create individual spaces within a place.
    • Define doors for each space.
    • Choose locking mechanisms for doors (Keys, Cards, Remote etc.)
  • Staff Assignment:

    • Assign specific spaces to staff members based on their roles or requirements.
    • Allocate door access tools (like keys or cards) to staff once they are assigned a space.
  • Releasing & Adjustments:

    • Efficiently release staff from specific spaces or adjust their current assignments.
    • Ability to release or re-adjust the size and dimensions of a space.
    • Revoke door access tools from staff as required.
    • Release a place from the company’s portfolio if not in use.
  • Status Checks:

    • View the current status of doors, places, and spaces at any given time.
    • Check a specific staff’s location and access privileges.
    • Examine door accessibility, noting how many individuals have access and the tools they utilize.
  • Place Profile:

    • View detailed specifications of a place, including its size, location, and rental amount.
    • If multiple companies share a place, the module calculates the rental amount based on the space occupied by each entity.


  • Optimized Space Utilization: Ensures every inch of the company’s space is used efficiently.
  • Enhanced Security: By controlling who has access to what space and through which method.
  • Financial Efficiency: Proper space management can lead to significant cost savings.
  • Flexibility: Allows quick adjustments, reassignments, and releases as the company’s needs evolve.
  • Centralized Management: All place-related tasks are managed from a single module, ensuring consistency and reducing redundancy.


The Places Management Module is more than just a space allocation tool. It intertwines the physical aspects of a company’s property with its human resources, ensuring that both are optimized for maximum efficiency and productivity. As companies grow and evolve, the ability to manage, adapt, and optimize their space becomes crucial, making this module indispensable.

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