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Add New Door

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 123 views


The “Manage Doors and Lock Systems” interface focuses on cataloging doors within designated places and specifying their respective lock systems. This interface captures details such as door numbers, associated places, and specific types of security mechanisms, like fingerprint scanners, keychains, and remote controls.

Key Features:

  • Door Details: Catalog specific doors within a space.
  • Multi-Factor Locks: Detail the various security mechanisms available for a door.
  • Quick Access: Provide immediate access to related records or forms, such as assigning places to staff.
  • Permission Checker: Only authorized users can access this form, ensuring data security.

How to Use:

1. Accessing the Manage Doors Interface:
From the main dashboard, select the “Space Management” module and then choose the “New door ” button.

2. Entering Door Data:

  • Building Name & Floor No: Preloaded based on previous selections or from the record you’re editing.
  • Place No: Identify which place this door belongs to.
  • Door No: Assign a unique identifier or number for the door, and its better to have a standered numbers and to be matched from the building owner for easy reciving and handing over and orgnizing the keys, the standard number is the floor then the door number like 22(Floor No) – 23 (Door Number based on the place) = 22-23 is the Door number should be. 
  • Lock Mechanisms: Specify the types of security available for this door:
    • Finger Print: Does the door have a fingerprint scanner?
    • Key: Is a physical key available?
    • Password: Can a password be used to access?
    • AdminPass: Maintenance or master password for the lock system.
    • Remote: Is there a remote access capability?
    • Card: Does the door support card access?
    • KeyChain: Does the door have a digital keychain mechanism?
  • Remarks: Any additional notes or comments related to the door.

3. Saving Door Data:
After filling in the required details, click the “Save” button. Upon saving:

  • You’ll be prompted to assign the place to staff (useful when adding a new door to a place).
  • If the door number is missing, you’ll receive a reminder to fill it out.

4. After Saving:
If you choose ‘Yes’ when prompted about assigning the place to staff, the “Assign_Place” form will load. This feature helps in easily managing door-place-staff relationships without navigating away.

  • Relational Data: If you’re editing a record, the Building Name, Floor No, and Place No might be pre-filled based on prior selections. Ensure they correspond to the right door.
  • Security Mechanisms: Ensure you accurately check the mechanisms available for the door. This detail is essential for staff to know their access methods.
  • AdminPass: Only share this with personnel responsible for maintenance or high-level security. It’s the master password for lock configuration and changes.
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