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SIM card projects management

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Projects Managment overview

This is an additional function added to the application to maintain the cost of the SIM cards in projects wise. First, you need to get a correct projects list from each company inserted in iClicka App and insert it into the database using the new project window. Make sure to add the cost center for each project as built by the cost center team.

Projects Management options

You can deal with two options in projects management:

  1. Projects summaries: This window will allow you to select a project from the list and then it will show all the SIM cards under this project. You will also find the total monthly cost of all the SIM cards under this project and the total number of SIM cards as well. This window will be more than enough to give you full information about these projects and SIM cards, such as the staff using the service number, company, SIM card type, cost, and the user signing date.
  2. Projects details: In this window, you will find all the projects list sorted from the biggest monthly bill to the smallest. You will also find the total projects monthly cost, total projects count, total SIM cards in all the projects, and the total SIM cards by type, such as Tetra, GSM, data, and GPS.

Once you click on any project name, the project details window will open with the project you clicked on, and it will show you all the SIM cards in this project. You will be able to export these lists to an Excel file or a PDF.

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SIM card projects management

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