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New Parking

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New Parking Procedure

In this section, you will learn how to add new parking slots to your application. It is important to follow these steps and provide accurate information to avoid any conflicts or naming issues.

New Parking Creation Step by Step

  1. Go to the Parking Management Module main page and click on the “New Parking” button.
  2. Fill in the following two fields correctly:
    • Parking Number: Enter the parking number following the specified format. It is recommended to coordinate with the Leasing team to obtain the standardized parking number and avoid any confusion in communication.
    •  For example, if you have a new parking slot in Basement 2 with the parking number 45, the New Parking Number should be entered as "45-B2".
    • Floor Number: Select the parking floor number from the dropdown menu.
    Note: The data in the application modules is centralized, meaning that once you enter information such as floor, building, or employee number, it will be accessible in all the modules.
  3. Click “Save” to complete the registration of the new parking slot.
By following these steps, you can successfully add new parking slots to the application.
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