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Trusted Application, no third party plugins

Core Panel

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 118 views


The “Core Panel / Settings” Module is the heart of administrative and access control for the iClicka application. Acting as the control hub, it is a gateway for user management, role assignments, and backend functionalities. Offering a layered approach to access rights and tracking ensures the application remains secure, streamlined, and efficient.

Core Features & Functionalities:

User Management:

  • Account Creation: Define and set up new users, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the application.
  • Profile Management: Facilitate users in modifying their personal details, providing a layer of flexibility.
  • Password Resetting: Allows admins or users to reset forgotten passwords, ensuring continuous and unhindered access.

Role & Access Control:

  • Role Assignment: Assign predefined roles to users, dictating what they can see and modify within the application.
  • Module Accessibility: Determine which users or roles can access specific modules, allowing for a modular approach to permissions.
  • Form-Specific Permissions: Dive deeper by controlling access to specific forms within modules, ensuring fine-tuned access control.

Backend Management:

  • Form Integration: Admins can integrate new forms developed for the application, ensuring the front-end remains updated with backend developments.
  • Role-Based Backend Access: Not all backend tasks are meant for every admin. Assign backend roles, making sure only qualified individuals handle sensitive tasks.

Task Tracking & Management:

  • User Activity Monitoring: Keep an eye on user activities, ensuring accountability and tracking any discrepancies.
  • Task Assignments: Assign tasks directly to application users, streamlining operations and ensuring timely completion of responsibilities.



  • Enhanced Security: With role-based access and form-specific permissions, unauthorized access is minimized.
  • Operational Efficiency: By tracking tasks and user activities, operations are kept smooth and efficient.
  • Flexibility: Whether it’s updating user details or integrating new forms, the system adapts quickly.
  • Centralized Control: All user, role, and backend related functionalities are managed from a single module, ensuring uniformity and reduced redundancy.

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