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Assets Assign

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 156 views


The Asset Assignment function ensures the methodical allocation of acquired assets to individuals or departments within the organization. By adopting a structured approach, it ensures transparency and accountability, minimizing asset misplacements and ensuring tracking.


The Asset Assignment feature includes:

  • Structured input fields for pertinent details, including Employee Number, Company, and Store.
  • Real-time tracking and recording of asset allocations.
  • Preventive measures to avoid unauthorized editing post the asset assignment.
  • Integration with login credentials to capture user data during the assignment.
  • Instant data refresh for accurate representation post changes.
  • tracking the asset condition during staff using. 

Step-by-Step Asset Assignment

To ensure an asset is correctly assigned, follow the steps below:

  1. Initiate Asset Assignment:

    • Navigate to the Assets Module Main Menu.
    • Click on the “Asset Assign” button.
  2. Enter Details:

    • Fill in the primary details:
      • Employee Number (Emp_NO): Specify the number of the employee receiving the asset; we already added a lookup to show the staff name when selecting the employee number for more confirmation and avoid any mistakes.
      • Company: Indicate the company under which the employee operates.
      • Assign Date: Choose the date of asset allocation.
      • Store: Highlight the specific store from which the asset is dispatched.
      • Project: Link the asset to a particular project if applicable.
      • Remarks (Optional): Add any notes or comments relevant to the assignment.
  3. Selecting Assets for Assignment:

    • In the Assets Assign section, choose the assets to be assigned. The Serial Number helps in pinpointing the exact asset.
    • Add any notes for the asset conditions like some scratches, without box, like new, without charger….
    • Post selection, the asset details, including its Serial Number, will reflect in the form.
  4. Review & Confirm Assignment:

    • Before finalizing, always ensure to review all the details entered.
    • Click on the “SaveButt” button to save the assignment.
    • A confirmation prompt will appear: “Are you sure, if yes you can’t edit any assigned items”.
      • Confirming will finalize the assignment and prevent further edits for the particular asset assignment to maintain data integrity.
  5. Editing & Deleting Assignments:

    • For modifications, unless the assignment is saved, you have the flexibility to edit details.
    • If you need to delete an item from the assignment list, use the “DeleteButt” button. A prompt will ask for confirmation before deletion.


  • Once an asset assignment is confirmed and saved, editing is restricted to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the data.
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