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Commercial Module

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 691 views


The Commercial Module in iClicka is designed to streamline and simplify the management of expense operations. This comprehensive module helps users maintain control over multiple aspects of inventory and budgeting across different companies, including store management, purchase requisitions, item delivery, consumption, and budget tracking.

Key Features of the Commercial Module

  1. Items Management: This feature allows you to add, modify, or delete items in your inventory.

  2. Single Items Calculation: The application can handle the calculation of single items within an item unit for various purposes, providing accurate inventory management.

  3. Cost Average Calculation: Utilize cost averaging to simplify inventory valuation and reduce the complexities of store calculations.

  4. Minimum and Maximum Quantity Concept: Each item can be assigned a minimum and maximum quantity. This feature assists in managing inventory levels and triggering timely purchase requisitions.

  5. Category and Subcategory Organization: Organize your items into categories and subcategories for easy and quick item retrieval.

  6. Item Picture: Upload an image of each item for easy identification.

  7. SAP Number Integration: If you’re using an existing system, you can enter the corresponding item code from that system for easy cross-referencing.

  8. Limited Monthly Budget for Each Company: Set up a capped consumption budget for each company to prevent overspending. This budget should be reset monthly.

  9. Budget History: Review changes to each company’s budget over time to identify any unexpected adjustments.

  10. Monthly Invoice Generation: Generate invoices based on each company’s monthly expenses.

  11. Asset History: Keep track of the order history for each item over a specific period, including purchasing, consumption, and store transfers.

  12. Items Store Transfer: Easily move items between multiple stores if necessary.

  13. Store Inventory Report: Generate inventory reports for specific stores or all stores collectively.

  14. Multiple Deliveries for One Purchase Requisition (PR): Track the delivery status of each PR, including partial and completed deliveries.

Examples for Explanation

To make the process more understandable, we will use the following examples throughout the user guide:

  • Item: Sugar 5KG
  • Item: Blue Pen


Item Name Unit Unit Price Unit Quantity Single Quantity Single Cost Item Category Total
Sugar 5KG
100 QR
2 Bags
10 QR
10 QR
200 QR
Blue Pen
12 QR
1 Packet
12 QR
1 QR
12 QR


The Commercial Module in iClicka is a powerful tool designed to support your company’s inventory management, expense tracking, and budget control needs. By understanding and utilizing the diverse features of this module, you can effectively manage and streamline your company’s commercial operations.

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