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Assets History

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 112 views


The Asset History function is designed to give users a comprehensive view of the historical transactions, conditions, and assignments related to a particular asset. By using this feature, organizations can track asset movement, conditions, and related operations, making asset management more transparent and accountable.


The Asset History feature includes:

  1. Asset Lookup: Using the asset’s serial number, the system can promptly identify the respective Asset ID.
  2. Comprehensive Record Viewing: The subform displays data in a continuous format, showcasing all records and transactions linked with the chosen asset.
  3. Reset Functionality: Quickly clear input fields with the “Reset” button to begin a fresh search.
  4. Export Capability: Generate an Excel report of the asset’s history, facilitating data analysis and sharing.
  5. Role-based Access: The form only opens for users with the appropriate permissions, ensuring data security and that only authorized individuals can access asset history.

Step-by-Step Asset History View

  1. Accessing Asset History:

    • Navigate to the Assets Module Main Menu.
    • Select the “Asset History” button.
  2. Input Asset Details:

    • Enter the asset’s serial number into the first filed.
    • The system will automatically fetch the Asset ID using the provided lookup function configured with the same module.
  3. View Asset Transactions:

    • Upon entering the serial number, the subform will populate with all the transactions, conditions, assignments, and related operations of the asset, sorted by the time of appending (Append_Time), from the most recent to the oldest.
  4. Manage Data:

    • Reset: If you wish to clear the current asset’s history and view another, click the “Reset” button to clear the serial number field and prepare for a fresh search.
    • Export Excel: To analyze the asset’s history in a spreadsheet format, use the “Export Excel” button. This function will generate an Excel report with the current asset’s history, which you can save, share, or analyze further.
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Assets History

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