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Add System Users

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 164 views


The User Management function ensures the systematic registration and authentication of individuals within the organization’s system. With a consistent process, it prioritizes data security and user authentication, minimizing unauthorized access and ensuring data integrity.


  1. Guided Input Fields: Intuitive fields for entering user details such as Username, Password, and Employee Number.
  2. Real-time Employee Verification: When the Employee Number is entered, an automatic lookup checks and displays the corresponding full name, ensuring the right employee is added.
  3. Role-based Access: Choose the user’s role within the system, Admin, User, Guest, or Owner. This helps customize the level of system access based on the user’s responsibilities.
  4. Security Measures: By checking for duplicates in usernames and employee numbers it ensures that there’s no redundancy.
  5. Success Confirmation: Every time a user is added successfully, a confirmation message is shown, providing clarity and assurance.
  6. Automated Timestamp: A creation date is automatically appended for each user, ensuring records are up-to-date.

Step-by-Step User Management

1. Navigate to the User Creation Form: * Open the Main Menu. * Click on the “New User” button.

2. Enter User Details

* Username: Provide a unique username that the user will use for login.
 * Password: Type in a secure password.
* Employee Number : Enter the number of the employee you’re adding. As you do, the system will automatically display the corresponding name for verification.
 * Role Selection: Choose the user’s role by selecting either Admin, User, Guest, or Owner. Note: Only one role can be selected.
* Alias Name: This is the display name for the user on the application main page, such as “Mr. Nawras”.

3. Review & Confirm User Addition: * Always review all entered details before finalizing to ensure accuracy. * Click on the “SaveButt” button to save the user details. * A success confirmation message will display upon successful addition.

4. Error & Duplicate Handling: * If any mandatory fields are left empty, or there’s a duplicate employee number or username, an error message will guide you on the necessary corrections.

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