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Budget Management

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 151 views


The budget function is a crucial tool for managing and controlling the company’s expenditures. With this feature, you can allocate a specific budget to each company per month. The system keeps track of the expenses and once the limit is reached, it prevents further processing and alerts the user with an error message. Moreover, you can change the budget as per needs and also view the history of budget changes.

For instance, if you set a budget of 3000QR for “Company1”, all the consumption orders for this company will be deducted from this limit. Once the total orders hit this limit, an error message will appear to halt further operations.

Creating a Budget:

To set a budget for a company, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Commercial Module Main Menu.
  2. Click on “Manage Budget”.
  3. Choose the company from the dropdown menu.
  4. Set the budget for the selected company.
  5. Click Save to apply the budget to the selected company.

Modifying a Budget:

To modify a budget for a company, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Commercial Module Main Menu.
  2. Click on “Manage Budget”.
  3. Select the company from the dropdown menu. The current budget will be displayed.
  4. Set the new budget. The new budget can be more or less than the current one, but it must not be the same.
  5. Provide a reason for the modification.
  6. Click Save Changes to apply the new budget to the selected company.

Resetting the Budget:

To reset the budget for all companies at the start of each month, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Commercial Module Main Menu.
  2. Click on “Manage Budget”.
  3. Click the “Reset the Companies Budget” button (Red Button).

Checking Budget History:

To track the changes made to the budget over time, you can use the Budget History function. You can check the full budget change history for a company, or for a specific period.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Commercial Module Main Menu.
  2. Click on “Budget History”.
  3. Choose a company from the dropdown menu.
  4. To select a specific period, provide the dates in the “From Date” and “To Date” fields.
  5. Click “Apply Filter” to view the results.
  6. To export the results to an Excel file, click the “Export to Excel” button.
  7. To reset the current filters, click the “Reset Filter” red button.
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Budget Management

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