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Add New Building

Estimated reading: 3 minutes 111 views


The “Add New Building” interface is designed to simplify and optimize the process of entering new building details into your company’s database. Users can capture comprehensive details about each building with a combination of mandatory and optional fields. Additionally, quick-access buttons allow users to instantly define floors, spaces, and places within a building.

Key Features:

  1. Building Details: Capture fundamental information about a building such as its name, address, building number, and zone.
  2. Navigation Controls: Move to previous or next records with ease.
  3. Quick Creation Links: Direct shortcuts to forms for creating new floors, spaces, or places.
  4. Save and Proceed: Save the current building and decide whether to proceed with floor creation immediately.
  5. Error Handling: Informs users about any missed mandatory fields before saving.

How to Use:

navigate to Add new buiilding

  • Go to Places managment module from the side menu on the main page
  • click Add buidling button 
  1. Entering Building Data:

    • Building Name: Provide the official name or descriptor for the building.
    • Address: Fill in the complete address for the building.
    • GoogleMaps: If available, provide a Google Maps link for easy location access.
    • Remarks: Any additional comments or notes about the building.
    • Building Number, Zone, StreetNo, BuildingStatus: Fill in as required.
  2. Navigation:

    • Next Record: Use the arrow button (often labelled as Command46) to move to the next record.
    • Previous Record: Use the arrow button (often labelled as Command47) to move to the previous record.
  3. Quick Creation:
    with the side buttons you can create many other records directly from the side buttons as below:

    • New Floor: Clicking on the “New Floor” button (Command83) will open the floor creation form.
    • New Space: Opt for the “New Space” button (Command84) to define a new space.
    • New Place: By selecting the “New Place” button (Command85), users can detail a new place within the building.
  4. Saving the Building:

    • Once all necessary details are filled, click on the “Save” button.
    • The system will check for mandatory fields. If any are missing, an error message will pop up.
    • Post saving, a prompt will appear, asking if the user wants to create a floor for the building immediately.
  • Completeness: Always ensure you’ve filled in all the required fields to maintain the database’s accuracy and integrity.
  • Navigation: Regularly use the next and previous buttons to review records and ensure consistency.
  • Floor Creation: If you’re entering a multi-story building, it’s a good idea to utilize the prompt and create floors immediately after adding the building. This ensures continuity and reduces the chances of missing out on any floors.
  • Data Verification: Review and verify the data entered to ensure that building details are up-to-date and accurate.
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