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Invoice Generate tool

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 48 views


The Invoice Generator tool is an efficient function designed to compile consumption orders for a given company within a specific period, such as a monthly consumption invoice. This tool plays a pivotal role in outlining the cost of consumption for the company and securing the company manager’s approval for the finance charges. It also aids in dividing the cost of items purchased among companies based on their consumption.

Generating an Invoice: Step by Step

  1. Navigate to the Commercial Module main menu.
  2. Click the “Invoice Generator” button.
  3. Choose the Company for which you want to prepare the invoice.
  4. Select the invoice period by filling in the ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date fields.
  5. Click ‘Generate’.

A new page will appear with an invoice template. This template will display all the consumption data within the period you selected, including the following details:

  • Company Name
  • Invoice Date: The date when the invoice was generated.
  • Invoicing From and Invoicing To The selected period for the invoice.
  • Total Orders: The number of orders within the selected period.
  • Total Invoice: The total cost of all orders.
  • Signature Places: There are designated areas for signatures of the following roles:
    1. General Manager: The manager of the company.
    2. Admin Department: The admin manager confirms the accuracy of the invoice date.
    3. Finance Department: Responsible for receiving the invoice and charging the company the amount stated in the invoice.

In addition to these details, the name of the user who generated the invoice is also recorded as a tracking feature.

By using this tool, you can efficiently generate comprehensive invoices that are easy to track, verify, and approve.

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Invoice Generate tool

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