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Insert New Item

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The Insert Item window in the Commercial Module provides a user-friendly interface to seamlessly add new items into the application. It includes several safety measures to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the data. Notably, the application will prompt you to fill all the necessary fields before saving, check for duplicate entries, and allow you to quickly add any missing item details (e.g., Category, Subcategory, Brand) without having to close the form. The process can be canceled at any point if needed.

Steps to Insert a New Item

Follow these steps to insert a new item:

  1. Navigate to the Commercial Module Main Menu and click on “Insert Item”.

  2. Enter the item name. Make sure it is clear and detailed (e.g., SOS Sugar Bag 5KG / 10 Singles).

  3. Choose the item category.

  4. Choose the item Subcategory.

  5. Select the item Brand. If the brand isn’t available, you can create one by clicking the “Brand” button. There’s no need to close the form or navigate to the brand button on the main menu.

  6. (Optional) Enter the SAP Number. If you have another system and you want to link it, you can insert the same item ID here for better integration.

  7. Enter the Maximum Store Quantity. This is the maximum quantity of the item that should be in the store (e.g., 5 Bags of sugar).

  8. Enter the Minimum Store Quantity. This is the quantity at which you’ll be notified to reorder the item.

  9. Upload an image of the item. The supported formats are JPEG and PNG.

  10. Enter the Item Single Quantity. This is the number of single items inside the item unit (e.g., a packet of Blue pens contains 12 pens). This is crucial for calculating individual consumption.

  11. (Optional) Add any additional remarks for the item.

  12. Click “Save” to store the item in the database.

Upon saving, the application automatically distributes the new item to all stores with a quantity of 0. There is no need to insert the item individually in each store. Now you’re ready to manage your inventory effectively!

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